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8 Figure Agency Partnership

There are four main problems that 99% of agencies and service-based businesses face:

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This document outlines all of the information about 8 Figure Agency Partnership.

We're not asking you to say yes or no today, what I’m asking you to do is make an informed decision and you can only do that by going through the entire thing. Everyone must decide what is best for them, and it is entirely your decision if you think this will help you or not.

If you have gone over this and decided that you need to solve these five problems, book a call:

1. You waste time on things that you can outsource for $10-$30/hour

2. You are stuck managing clients and team members rather than focusing on growing your business.

3. Churn is too high to scale beyond a point of significance

4. Not a good enough team to grow

5. Bonus problem: You focus on the wrong things, causing you to grow slower (wrong strategy)

3. Why You Need To Solve Agency Killer #3

The third problem is that your monthly and annual churn is too high.

The only way to sustainably scale to 5M-10M is either having an elite marketing and sales system, or having a very good retention rate.

It is a lot easier to keep a customer than get a new one.

To demonstrate why reducing churn is the easiest way to grow, I'll show you some quick math.

A company that sells 12 retainers a month, at $2000/mo/retainer, with 12% monthly churn can grow to $200,000/mo.







Peak MRR








With these numbers, this is a $9,000,000 per year business.

15 deals/mo would be considered very good.

$2500/mo retainer would be considered average

5% churn is best in class.

So if you just focus on free up the time to make your sales process good and build a world class retention process, you'll nearly have an 8 figure business.

This is why you need to solve the churn problem (if you want to build a substantial sized company.







Peak MRR





























All things equal, changing these variables by the same percent, reducing churn always grows your company more. Reducing churn in the above example added an extra $200,000 per year in net revenue.

The best way to get as close as possible to hitting 10 million is by having exceptional retention.

Here is one more example that demonstrates decent sales, average agency pricing and best in class churn/retention.







Peak MRR







Now, take that same company, and test a few things out:

You can increase sales, increase price or reduce churn.

Testing these things: we can increase sales by 25%/mo, increase price by 25%/mo, decrease churn by 25%

1. Why You Need To Solve Agency Killer #1

The first of these five problems is quite simple.

You are investing your time in low level administrative of operational work.

This may not seem like a momentous killer, but trust me, it leads to business death.

Every hour we invest can have a correlating dollar per hour value. 

If you spend 10 hours a week working in administrative functions that can be delegated to someone for $10/hour, you are wasting your time.

If you had that time back every week, and invested it 100% into growth, lets say marketing, business development, content and brand development, that would equal 520 hours extra a year to grow your business.

Do you think you can add an extra million dollars a year if you had 520 hours to focus exclusively on growth?

I do.

Growth activities, using this idea of being able to add $1,000,000/year are equal to $520/hour.

If were assuming you can only add half of that, that is still $260/hour.

Every hour you invest into low skilled activities is an hour you can be working towards making your companies next million.

This means that less people know your company, less people buy from you, less people stay with you as long as you need them to.

That is why you need to solve this problem.

2. Why You Need To Solve Agency Killer #2

The second problem is also quite simple, and why you need to solve it should be obvious.

You don't have the time to focus on growth.

You are suffocating in all the things you have to do: manage client account, deliver the service to the client, manage your team, train your talent, answer team member FAQs, putting out fires in the operation…the list goes on and on.

If you only work in the business, you will never work on the business and, at best, have marginal growth year over year.

The only way to consistently grow your company is to put the time into grow your company.

This requires you to not put the majority of your time in your operation (fulfillment and team management).

This, once again, requires you to free up the time to invest it into things that grow your company:

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Increase customer lifetime value

Thats it. Those are the three things you can invest in to grow your business.

Get more clients. Keep them longer.

If you don't have the time to do it, it will never happen.

That is why you need to solve this problem

5. Why You Need to Solve Agency Killer #5

The fourth problem is that with the free time you have to grow your business, you put it into the wrong activities.

As you saw above, having access to simple spreadsheet and formulas can change your perspective on where you put your time.

The fact is, 99% of business owners don't even pull all the numbers they need every month to make informed decisions.

We just go with gut feel which 9/10 leads us down the wrong path.

Business is a data driven game. With the right data, we can make the right strategy.

You currently don't have access to all data you need & you aren't making the right strategy.

Here is the scary part: Even with the right data, the majority of business owners make the wrong decision because they have too much going on (clients, team members, so much data, personal stuff, emotions, cognitive bias).

This is due to the psychological principle called Solomon's Paradox.

The solution to this problem is to pull the right data every month, create simple forecasts (like the one you saw above), make your best educated guess on where to invest your time & review that decision with an advisor.

Advisors help prevent us from ourselves. They are not emotionally tied into our situation.  Others can see and solve our problems better than we can.

4. Why You Need to Solve Agency Killer #4

You're an A player, that's why you've been able to get to this point.

But you are only as good as your weakest link.

In order to scale to where you want to get to, you need A players running each department, A managers running accounts and team and A+ processes to keep them all together.

The issue though: this is hard to do and takes a while to perfect.

Hiring is the hardest thing as an entrepreneur.

You can do everything right and still make the wrong hire.

You can do most things right and still lose the A player.

But what you are most definitely not doing is following the best process to mitigate your mistakes, onboard, train and retain your talent the right way.

And if we don't solve for bad talent & processes, we can never have world class anything. Sales go down and churn goes up with bad talent and processes.

The only way to fix your business is by building the right processes to source, hire, onboard & train your talent.

As the Founder & Owner of your business, it is on you to solve these agency killers.

It is your responsibility and something YOU have to do.

You cannot pass it off on someone else, or an employee or "outsource" it.

No one except you has the technical knowledge, personal investment and standards needed to get it done.

I cannot do it for you. I do not have the technical knowledge to fulfill your service for you, build the best training for them and the time to train them and keep them for you.

But I do have the blueprint.

It is all up to you.

If you decide to go for it, you will get all the credit.

If you don't go for it, you will get all of the blame.

It is your responsibility. No one else's.

Any excuses or (probably made up) justifications are a sign that you are not taking responsibility and that is the biggest agency killer of all.

1. You will get the wasted time off your schedule

2. You will delegate account management and team management off your plate.

3. You will reduce your churn and keep your clients longer

4. You will no longer be wasting 99% of leads and clients on team members that aren't good enough to close them and keep them

5. The systems, processes, productivity system, and accountability we provide will solve every potential problem you have. Once you begin to see the system work, all of your potential self limiting beliefs will be crushed as well.

1. Custom Plan

You cant map out the process to build something you don't know.
That's why we do it for you.

Every single client we work with goes through our discovery phase so we can go into your business, learn everything about it to become a micro partner for you.

Once we have a deep understanding of your company, what you do what & dont have, what in the business and what is missing, we will create a custom roadmap for you to scale from A to B.

Every quarter, we rebuild this process taking operational strategy off your plate.

Every year we build an annual plan

2. Implementation

In all sports and business, the team that has the right strategy, and executes that strategy to a tee wins.
Once we've given you the strategy, all we need to do is execute it.

We sync with you weekly and work with you to develop every step of your businesses operating system.

Because we sync weekly, we're able to remove any barriers that come up, we're able to ensure we remain accountable to sticking to the plan, we're able to continually have clarity on the things we need to focus on that actually lead to the growth of your business.

Each client we work with gets a customized experience from us based on their needs.

3. Daily Support

As we move forward, there will be many questions.

This isn't just a collaboration to build out the systems in your business, when you work with 8F you're getting a dedicated growth partner in your company.

Everyone of our consultants is an esteemed 8 figure executive that has already run and operated an 8 figure business (minus one who is there for the newbies).

Like any other partner in your company, you have the ability to chat daily. 

Ask questions, have systems reviewed, get an outside opinion.

When you join 8F, you get access to a personal dedicated slack channel with your 8 figure executive there to support you.

4. Community

You'll join one of our private communities which cumulatively have over 240 active members.  

Our larger community is not your average business community.

The average company in here is doing over $1,000,000 annually, contradictory to other online community

In here, if you're doing at least $35,000/mo, you can get access to an additional 4 group calls/week.

These calls are great for adhoc question

or adding in some team members

5. Accountability

For a lot of people, the biggest of the five agency killers is themselves.

More specifically, lack of focus and consistently working on the right thing.

We will be there to hold you accountable. If you aren't performing, we will be on you.

You will not get "babied" with 8F.

If you need that extra accountability from both us, and the extra accountability that comes from the fact that you paid/spent money on it, then 8F is your best bet.

6. Real-Time Feedback

When learning how to do things, there is almost nothing as helpful as real-time feedback from someone who has done it before (and done it successfully).

Every single thing:

  • Sales
  • Managing Pipeline
  • Operations
  • Process Improvement
  • Managing Time
  • Delegation
  • Sourcing
  • Interviewing
  • Software
  • Management
  • Talent Rentention
  • Training Talent
  • Onboarding Customers
  • Culture
  • HR & admin
  • Meetings
  • Auditing

and more, are something we have a tremendous amount of experience creating and running successfully.

Instead of figuring it out for yourself and wondering if what you are doing is good or not, you will have instant access to us seven days per week.

7. The Sum of the Five People

A very popular (and true) saying is "you are the sum of the people you spend the most time with."

Basically, you become who you surround yourself with.

Why not make your 8F executive growth partner of those five people so 20% of your daily influence comes directly from someone who has already run and grown multiple 8 figures businesses.

This is not to mention the fact that you will be surrounded by other agency owners in the program doing the exact same thing you are doing.

This is one of the most profound and impactful reasons to join 8 Figure Agency.

8. Why You Should Start Now

There are no discounts. There are no elements of "fake scarcity or urgency."

Anyone doing a minimum of 15k/mo can join

That being sad, we have begun building our own portfolio and already have vested interest in multiple agencies. This opportunity will not last much longer as we will will eventually only be a portfolio company.

We are booking more and more calls with each passing day.

If you are interested in this program, you should start now before all of your competitors who provide the same service(s) join and implement this for themselves.

We are booking more and more calls with each passing day.

If you are interested in this program, you should start now before all of your competitors who provide the same service(s) join and implement this for themselves.

Instead of waiting and trying to play catch up, take the leap now:

  • Start before your competitors do
  • Start while the price is the lowest it ever will be
  • Start before we get our next 1k people in the program (you will never get more attention than you will right now)
Consultant wise, who do we get partnered with?
We custom match each of our clients with their consultant & executive partner. Each one of our consultants has already been an 8 figure executive and is an A+ level talent.

Important note: We do have a 7 figure execute for smaller agencies*
Why this is a better investment for us than going with an automation agency?
There are two types of processes in business: hard systems & soft systems. Hard systems are what you are referring to automations and software to speed up your company and run your company through. We can refer you to specific vendors that can build out those processes for you. In an agency, the most important systems are the soft systems.

You cannot automate people. Your people will still be running your business. With 8F, one of the things we’ll do is architect your workflow which means we'll map out your process step by step and identify which components will be able to be automated and optimized with software. In order to scale your company, ensure you never have capacity issues or LTV issues, you will need to build operational processes, people management processes and the processes to source, hire, onboard and train talent.
Is there a minimum month contract?
99% of clients are not on contract, but we do have contracts available upon request
How much time should I allocate?
Minimum 2 hours a week. If you cannot do this currently, thats even more reason why we should help you.

The clients that devote more time upfront grow faster.
How is someone on your team going to build out processes that specific to a marketing skill?
8F is a team of growth experts & 8 figure executives. We will help you craft a process where you can extrapolate your enterprise knowledge. From here we will help you  build a structure to source, hire, onboard, and train talent into that, and then manage talent on that process, as well as build an operational process where you can onboard clients into your process and communicate well to them knowing these things.

So, it doesn't actually matter what the skill is, because we’ve worked with every type of agency there is. What really matters is how you organize your actual skills and enterprise knowledge in a way that’s cohesive and enables you to scale.
Tell me a bit more about the disovery.
The purpose of discovery is fir us to become your partner and build a custom plan for your business. We cannot effectively consult your business if we do not deeply understand your business. If we were to just start consulting, we’re no better than anyone else in the marketplace. Everyone in the marketplace that does what we do or tries to do what we do, it is business in a box, which doesn’t work at scale.

During discovery, we learn about your business, we learn about what you do and don’t have, and we learn what the specific plan is for you.

Now, if you’re unwilling to do that, this is probably not going to be the best fit for you, because if you’re looking for a business in a box where like everyone goes through the same thing, there’s plenty of things on the marketplace for that. The thing that makes us unique is we are customizing everything for each client. Even if that customization is simple, we still need to make sure we’re building the right plan for you.
How is this different from other programs?
How is this different from other programs?
  1. This is a customized and specific experience to your needs. Every other program on the market place is business in a box, which doesn't work at scale. We start based on where you are at today.
  2.  Everyone on our team is an 8 figure executive. You wont find anything like this anywhere else.
  3.  Our systems are based on the worlds best operation company: Amazon. Jordan worked there for four years and began bringing the Amazon blueprint to the agency world. Its been a massive success from day 1
  4. Every quarter we build a new growth plan for your business.
Will this work for my service/niche?
Yes, we've never had a failed client before.

If you have gone over this and decided that you need to solve these five problem, book a call

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Trusted by 800+ active agencies 

Hi, I'm Jordan Ross

(Specializing in Elevating Businesses to Multi-7 Figures or to 8 Figures through Strategic System Development.)

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Trusted by 800+ active agencies 

Jessica Crum
Allan Khazak
Jamie Owers
Brett Erik
Miquel Girones
Aaron Vix
Mathhew Khorsandi
Ciaran Houlihan
Randy Ginsburg
Brendan McKinnon
Jordy Sterk
Lucas Carol
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Trusted by 800+ active agencies 

If you have gone over this and decided that you need to solve these five problems, book a call:

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Trusted by 800+ active agencies 

8 Figure Agency Growth Partnership

This Page Will Help

You Make an Informed Decision

Why You Need This

The Four Things That Kill Your Agency

These agency

Killers are Silent Killers

Solving These

Agency Killers

The 8 Figure Agency Partnership Program was built with the assumption that you want to solve these problems.

The good news is that when you take the first step to solving one or two of these, the other three or four become easier to solve.

These are all very "solvable" problems.

You may have an idea on how to solve them already, or you may not.

The important thing is that you (and everyone else) avoid assuming you know how to solve these problems if you don't.

We have all been there. I know I have. I remember many times throughout my life the number one thing holding me back was ego/arrogance in the sense that I thought I knew more about the thing that I actually did.

You can lie to others (if you want), but there is nothing more damaging than lying to yourself.Why You Need To Solve Agency Killer #1

The important thing to understand here is that these issues don't always feel like killers of growth.

Many of them just feel like what its like running a business.

This is the main issue. 99% of business owners weren't taught the right strategy and systems to effectively scale.

Everyone is facing these issues.

Because these issues are faced by everyone, it must be normal.

But the reality is, what got you here, does not get you to where you want to go.

The 8 figure business owners that 'figure it out' learned these lessons and built companies that solved for each one.

If you dont solve for each one of these, eventually, you'll be stuck marginally growing or not growing at all.

This is Your Responsibility

How 8 Figure Agency

Addresses All 5 Agency Killers

This program will solve all of these problems by helping you build a complete funnel.

Frequently Asked Question

We have identified 6 components that create the 8 figure operating system & we ll work with you to develop this in your business:

These components are:

1. Strategy & time allocation

2. Sales & closing processes

3. Talent sourcing & hiring processes

4. Onboarding & training processes

5. Management & retention processes

6. Customer success and client retention processes

The reason that this whole system seems daunting to many people who see it is because they have to build so many components of the overall operating system

Once you develop these processes, every single part of this business will open up to you and you will be able to scale MASSIVELY.

You will be developing extremely important, tangible skills along with building out the 8 Figure Agency Operating System.

The 8 FIgure

Operating System

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And Testimonials